Interesting to see that there is a line beyond which people starting putting up with shit, and start causing shit.
The London riots are not a rational response to the conditions of poverty, or to the capitalist structure that produced it. However, most of the rational responses have been closed to the people affected, or have been proven worthless as responses.
Perhaps the rational responses will come later as the community comes together in the wake of the riots to heal itself and to clean up. The real community activists will see have something to point to, and say "If you don't fund our alternatives, this is what happens."
The kids that are rioting today are the spiritual heirs to the kids who rioted in the 80's under Thatcher, and the sad part is that they are rioting for exactly the same reasons.
love the recognition in that last paragraph and how clearly it puts the situation in historical context :)
Posted by: feisty_jenn | August 10, 2011 at 09:25 AM