What a dick! The guy broke rule #1. You never point a gun at anything you aren't willing to destroy.
Folks, gun safety is drilled into anyone who uses guns regularly. Whenever I teach someone how to shoot a gun, the first thing I tell them is that "guns are always loaded, and the safety is not on". Don't 'act' like they are loaded. Treat them exactly as if they are loaded. The second thing I teach them is that you don't put your finger on the trigger until you are looking through the sights, and know that whatever you shoot when you pull the trigger is something that you are prepared to destroy. I do a lot of trap shooting, and I understand exactly what happens as you swing your gun, and I can see how the shooting could have occurred. The fact is that what had to have happened is that the Vice President of the United States pulled the trigger without knowing what was in the path of his swing. That shows excruciatingly bad judgement
This shooting is not excusable for someone who is one heartbeat away from the Presidency. I could excuse it for someone whose judgement isn't so critical. From this man, it is not excusable. Not one little bit.
The man should resign. His judgement is flawed, and it is perhaps quite literally fatally flawed.
So sure it was an accident? I've long suspected Cheney of harbouring bloodlust...
PS I have a couple of Cuban cigars for you.... let me know where you want them mailed too.
Posted by: Ilana | February 18, 2006 at 12:01 PM