Sombrio Beach, the movie. I haven't seen it yet, but I plan to.
For those who don't know the place, Sombrio Beach is one of the best surfing spots on Vancouver Island. It was also the home to a squatting community that had lived peacefully there for decades. The inhabitants were all kicked out of their homes when the government made it a park for yuppies to hike through.
It really angered me when the government kicked them out, and not just because it meant my Dad was kicked out of his cabin and moved closer to me. It was a really neat community, and a good place for a lot of people who just didn't, couldn't or wouldn't fit in with regular society. It's sad that places like that are being eliminated.
I remember that, they made folks in their Tarp Shacks beat it out of there. Some of those places were pretty Skookum.
On one side of the river They were thrown on on the other side outside the boundry they were left alone. What a joke. Poor folks.
Posted by: Tango2 | February 03, 2006 at 01:35 AM
i'd love to go back their!!! it was fun being their!!
Posted by: Airsoft Guns | April 13, 2007 at 10:26 PM
I had the opportunity barely to get to oregon, and right into washington along the columbia, went and saw the Recent Goonies 25th reunion, completely geeked out!!!
Posted by: airsoft guns | August 10, 2010 at 10:19 PM