I hadn't realized that the right hates Maurice Strong, Paul DesMarais and the rest of the Power Corp gangas much as I did.
I like to play a game. Anytime somebody in Canada is elected, I try and figure out how they are related to someone in Power Corp. It's usually pretty damned easy.... Our current prime minister was a VP, and owes his wealth to being sold a billion dollar corporation for 100 million. Makes you wonder how many favours are owed.
Let's face it. Canada didn't go into Iraq for the same reason that France didn't want to go in. Total Fina ELF was doing good business with Saddam. The war screwed that up. It certainly wasn't anything to do with not wanting to go to war, or some pacifist instinct. It was all about making cash for billionaires. Power Corp is a major shareholder in , and Desmairais is a board member of Total Fina ELF.
Maurice Strong's support for the Kyoto Accords which he helped architect is also reflected in Canada's single minded acceptance of it. Why does a billionaire want Kyoto? Because it allows the outright rape of the third world's resources (remember that the reductions don't apply to them), while crippling the production in the first world of his competitors.
“People like Maurice Strong advocate radical programs because they hope to use the UN to benefit their financial institutions,” he said. “For instance, had they been able to get the world to sign on to the Kyoto Accords, companies like Enron would have made untold zillions of dollars with natural gas in India, with various emissions-trading schemes.”The Kyoto treaty, he explained (rejected by the U.S. Senate in July 2000, 97-2), would have exempted “developing countries” like India from restrictions on industrial emissions, while severely limiting emissions in “developed countries” like the U.S. India could then “trade” some of its emissions allowance to the U.S. (a plan by which Enron hoped to recoup its catastrophic losses).
“It’s complicated, but the basic principle is simple — Maurice Strong and his friends come out on top,” Lamb said. “When you watch these people, you have to follow the money. They always find their way to the money.”
Source - Chalcedon.edu (Christian right, but the logic is right..)
Kyoto does little to actually address the real structural problems of corporate exploitation, and inequitable distribution of resources. What it does is once again give governments a way of getting more power, and inevitably it will be to the detriment of the less powerful. Watch how the gas companies pocket the money that the first world will send the way of third world dictators as they buy pollution credits.
Maurice Strong has managed to come across as a great environmentalist, but somehow he always seems to be making a shitload of money while doing it... and not clean money, but petro dollars, arms dollars, and other things that are basically fucking people and the environment over.
The whole thing is so fricking corrupt.
Sorry for so many of the links going to right wing-nuts, but apparently they're paying closer attention (for all the wrong reasons, but hey, you take what you can get)