So I'm watching the CBC special, and realizing that I really don't belong in the Canada they're talking about. I'd vote for Tommy Douglas, but he's become iconic for the Medicare system that he wouldn't recognize. It's become the stick that the government uses to scare us with, and also to control our behaviour.
Watching Rex Murphy defend that bastard Trudeau is making me burst a blood vessel. Notwithstanding my hatred of the constitution, The War Measures Act, and various other perfidies that fascist with the red rose imposed on us, I just can't stand him.
David Suzuki is standing in for every hippie dippie who thinks that recycling bottles is going to change the world. He is the preeminent voice of the liberal environmental movement.
The sports folk don't interest me at all, although I've been amused at the antipathy Don Cherry has aroused.
Terry Fox is an interesting choice,
The scientists, Banting and Bell are out of the running, although Bell was a US citizen, which come to think of it might be something in his favour.
Might vote you ask? Louis Riel. Who else manages to embody the conflicts in Canada between the english and french, European and Native, Rich and Poor, West and East. The man embodies every conflict in Canada. That and the fact that he was a raving loonie secures my vote. Unfortunately he's not on the ballot being in spot # 11. (check out this comic by a Canadian anarchist about Riel)
random notes as I watch:
By the way, anybody notice that all the greatest Canadians are male, and the only non-European on the list is David Suzuki?
As I'm watching this, I'm getting more and more creeped out by the nationalism. Paul Gross tramping around the stage screaming "I AM CANADIAN". Urk?
Interesting note, the leftists are rallying around their politicians, the rightists around the sports people.
I notice there aren't any business people or artists in the top ten list. Politicians, sports stars, and scientists, but not any of our novelists, artists, musicians or entrepreneurs. Says a lot about what Canadians tend to value. At least the artists absence is being noted..